They say that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. And I would. Really. But I don't have one.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this picture.

Yes, they are Post-It Notes. Sorted. Lined up in tidy little columns. And yes, those are more Post-Its, color-coordinated, at the top of each column to label the Post-It columns. What? This isn't how everyone does it?
I'm SO jealous that I don't have a desk right now...LOL
I love just rock!
I'm so jealous you have space on your desk to line up your post-its...I am collecting mine in my planner because there is no room with the reports and test scripts and scope documents and AR analysis packets and oh I just have to stop now...covering my desk. I think I would be better off without a desk at the moment! :-)
I agree, you do rock!!
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